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For all shown strategies the "Hunter" has the first and the last draw!!!

All strategies are based on ideal played game.

All strategies follow a sensuous and logic game rhythm.

The here mentioned strategies are just some examples out of a whole bunch of possibilities.

F Recommendations:


The Hunter-Player should not start in the beginning to occupy the corners, as these fields could be used to move later on. Exception: The Hunter-Player follows a certain strategy.


The midfield is an important area for both players, as it can be occupied by a block of four hunters or one tiger, which can hit in all four directions.


To lure the tigers by scarifying hunters is an essential part of the game, but should only be used if one has a strategy, which leads to decrease the tiger's flexibility, an advantage in later draws or to compromise losses of hunters.


Please keep the advantage of the opponent's draw in mind by planning strategies


An outfield has the equality of 1.5 hunters and advantage of draw.


A tiger placed in a cage/outfield should be moved out as soon as possible as it decreases it's flexibility and ability to hit.


The tigers biggest danger comes, if these stay close to each other, that's why the hunter-player should try to separate them.

J Starting Strategy:



This is a strategy, which enables the hunter-player to occupy the midfield by luring the tigers. It might give the hunters the possibility to capture a tiger or to compensate the losses of hunters by field advantage.

In the following example all of above mentioned possibilities are shown.

1. Example: occupied midfield/ 4 lost hunters are compensated/ 1Tiger captured!

Pic. 1 Pic. 2
Pic. 3 Pic. 4
Pic. 5 Pic. 6
Pic. 7 Pic. 8
Pic. 9 Pic. 10
Pic. 11 Pic. 12
Pic. 13


In Picture.2 Tiger 2 hits Hunter 2 as Hunter 1 can be hit easy on the next draw. Picture. 4 shows a clear hit of a hunter. In Picture. 13 the hunter-player compensates 3 hunters by blocking 2 outfields (one outfield equal 1.5 hunters). The loss of the fourth hunter is compensated through the capturing of tiger 2. 

The "MAHOUT" is an elephant rider !

On his elephant the MAHOUT would be save. The above strategy documents courage and the eagerness to serve his king to honor the royal tiger hunt.

2. Example: the midfield is occupied/ 4 lost hunters are compensated/ 1Tiger is captured/ 1 hunter lost!

Pic. 1 Pic. 2
Pic. 3 Pic. 4
Pic. 5 Pic. 6
Pic. 7 Pic. 8
Pic. 9 Pic. 10
Pic. 11 Pic. 12
Pic. 13 Pic. 14


In Picture.1 starts the alternative to the 1st example.

Picture. 14 shows the blocking of two outfield, which compensates 3 hunters. This strategy only costs the hunter-player one hunter.


J Ending Strategy 1:



These are strategies existing of a basic block of four hunters to whom more hunters are getting attached protecting each other. This strategy leads in the end to a  "Maharadscha-Putt", the hunter-player wins against a lured opponent, who is urged to hit.

The Bengaline can be used in many variants, as long as there is a basic block of four hunters and a minimum of six hunters. The key position for this strategy is a hunter as prey in one of the corner fields.


1. Example: 8 hunters/ 4 tigers

Pic. 1 Pic. 2
Pic. 3 Pic. 4
Pic. 5 Pic. 6


Initial position (Pic. 1). Key position (Pic. 2). Multiple hit (Pic. 4). Hunters turn, but not able to move so he wins through the "Maharadscha"(Pic. 6)

2. Example: 8 hunters/ 4 tigers

Pic. 1 Pic. 2
Pic. 3 Pic. 4
Pic. 5 Pic. 6
Pic. 7


Picture 2 shows the basic move for the "Bengali"! In Pic. 3 the decision over success of the "Bengali" will be decided!


 3. Example: 6 hunters/ 4 tigers

Pic. 1 Pic. 2
Pic. 3 Pic. 4
Pic. 5 Pic. 6

The "BENGALI TIGER" is the strongest among it's kind and therefore called the king of  the tigers. It is it's power to hit, which the hunter-player uses against it to receive victory.

J Ending Strategy 2:


through this strategy the hunter-player can win the game or reach a remiss with only four hunters left.

The hunters move to the corner fields each of them luring a tiger with them. Through circling around four adjoining fields the hunter-player tries to lure the tigers into a good initial position for him.

1. Example: 4 hunters/ 4 tigers

Pic. 1 Pic. 2
Pic. 3 Pic. 4
Pic. 5 Pic. 6
Pic. 7 Pic. 8
Pic. 9 Pic. 10
Pic. 11


After circling around in the "Palace gardens" Picture 5 displays the initial position for the hunter-players victory.



                                                                                                                                    ( IT'S A GAME )


© 1998  Stephan Alexander Abu Can Peter and Christian Andreas Abu Sseyif  Fritz - All rights reserved