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MANDUA is a multiple-level, strategic game for 2 people aged 12 and up.                                     

Game Materials:

The game consists of 29 game figures: - 25 Hunter
                                                          -   4 Tiger

and a game board with 29 game fields:

(Some MANDUA game boards have a second smaller game field with additional 29 game pebbles, for reconstruction uses. This so called reconstruction field should be drawn parallel with each move by both players and is not to be used as a practice area!)

                                                                                    Pic. 1

Object Of The Game:

The strategic task of the HUNTER-player is to lock the tigers into the cages, and/ or, to immobilise them on any game field (picture. 3). This can be done by using various strategies. For example: by blocking vacant squares, setting up traps or by luring the tigers. His second task is to be alert to mistakes made by the tiger-player, and then remove the erring figure (see rule 5) from the board. For each move, the hunter-player places a figure into any desired (vacant) field. After the supply of game figures is exhausted, he has to move his figures. Only one at a time to an adjoining field (see rule 1). The task of the TIGER-player is to defend himself, by clever maneuvers, from the hunters. He does this by "beating" the hunters and removing them from the board (picture 4 - 19). This can be done by, jumping over one or more hunters with either one or more tigers at the same time (see rule 3), and/or by drawing the tigers between two hunters (= MANDUA). Every time it's his turn, he draws a tiger of his choice to an adjoining square (see rule 1), only one square at a time.

Attention: The four outside square fields: A / B / C / D are reserved exclusively for the use by the tigers as additional moving fields (picture 1). (But be aware: they can also become the tigers' cages!)

Playing Time: ca. 35 - 60 minutes


The tiger-player may draw only one tiger of his choice to one adjoining games field each turn! He may move forward, backward, rightward or leftward

The hunter-player may set only one hunter at a time on any vacant games field except for the four outside squares. After his supply is exhausted he must move one hunter of his choice to any vacant, adjoining field each turn. Again except for the outside fields. He may only move forward, backward, rightward or leftward!

Both players may not move diagonal at any time (picture 5)!

3. The tiger-player must always beat the highest possible amount of hunters during his turn! (BUT WATCH OUT!: for a removing priority by a drawn MANDUA (picture 12 + 13)). If possible, he must jump over, or between, one or more hunters, with either one or more tigers, at the same time (pictures 4,6, 8, 14)!

4. The tiger-player must always announce the complete (not more or less) amount of hunters he is going to beat during each turn, before he starts a removing draw!

5. If the tiger-player names the wrong amount, fails to beat the highest possible number of hunters, or makes a priority mistake during his turn, the hunter-player must remove the tiger* which already has, or could have beaten the highest amount of hunters during the correct draws! The hunter-player may only do so, after the opponent has finished his moves and before he starts his own draw (the tiger-players removals always remain unchanged!!!). To remove the right tiger after the tiger-players failure, the hunter-player must name the correct (exact) possible amount of all removals that would have been able, during the mistaken turn of the tiger-player (picture 10-11 / 14-15 / 18- 9)! *If there are two, or more tigers, which could have removed the same amount of hunters, the hunter-player may choose to remove the tactical best one of them!

6. Once either player lets go of his figure, the draw is considered terminated!

7. The same figure -no matter to which one of the two players it belongs to- is not allowed to repeat the same move more than two times in a row! If the same move gets drawn a third time in a row, the opponent wins the game!

8. If a player fails to notice the opponent's mistake in time, that means before he makes his own move, the game remains unchanged. It will be continued without interruption! No move can be taken back!

9. Once beaten, the removed hunter or tiger figures stay out of the game until the end!

Possible Ending Situations:

1. The hunter wins: a) by immobilising and/ or removing all four tigers (picture 20).
by a MANDUA PUTT (picture 22-32) or

                                      "THE MAHARAJA" (picture 24-32).

2. The tiger wins: by beating all the hunters (no picture).

3. A Remis: Both player agree to give up the game (picture 21).


Start Of The Game:

The players should allot to decide who plays with which figures.

In the beginning of the game, all four tigers together, must be placed on the game board (picture 2). The hunter-player starts the game by placing one figure, each turn, into any desired field (see rule 1). The tiger-player and the hunter-player exchange in taking their turns, each with a single move!

              START POSITION                       IMMOBILISED TIGERS

                                                 Pic. 2                                                           Pic. 3


The tigers 3 + 2 are not allowed to jump over two or more, backward adjoining hunters (picture 3).

Jumping Over A Hunter:

The tiger-player must beat the hunters by jumping over them (picture 4).

                      RIGHT                                                   WRONG

                                                    Pic. 4                                                     Pic.5


MANDUA (= Two hunters):

By drawing between two hunters (MANDUA), the tiger-player must remove both of them (picture 6).

                      RIGHT                                                   WRONG

                                                  Pic.6                                                    Pic. 7

The draw of tiger 3 between hunter 1+ 2 is a MANDUA (picture 6). The jump over hunter 2 by tiger 4 is not a MANDUA (picture 7) and would be a mistaken draw (see rule 3 + 5)!


Jumping-Over + MANDUA:

A tiger can draw into a MANDUA by jumping over a third hunter (picture 8).

                      RIGHT                                                   WRONG

                                                    Pic. 8                                                   Pic. 9

The tiger-player must remove hunter 3, 2 and 1 with a single draw by tiger 4 (picture 8). Tiger 2 can only remove hunter 1 (picture 9). This is a mistake and the hunter-player should remove tiger 4 (see rule 3 + 5)!

Drawing Priorities:

The tiger-player must remove the highest possible amount of hunters during his turn (picture 10).                       

                      RIGHT                                                   WRONG

                                                Pic. 10                                                    Pic. 11

The tiger-player must remove two hunters (picture 10). If the tiger-player had only beaten hunter 4 with tiger 1 (picture 11), the hunter-player should have removed tiger 4 (see rule 5).


Removing Priorities:

A drawn! MANDUA always has the priority and must be removed first! Even if a higher amount of beaten hunters could have been achieved by not regarding the MANDUA (picture 12 - 13).

                      RIGHT                                                   WRONG

                                                Pic. 12                                                    Pic. 13

The tiger 2 jumped over hunter 5 and between hunter 3 + 2 (MANDUA) (picture 12). He must remove these three figures first! It is a mistake if he announces 4 hunters and beats hunter 5/2/1/4 (picture 13) (rule 3 + 5)!

Multiple Removing With Additional Tigers:

It is possible that during the same turn, more than one tiger must beat hunters (picture 14).

                      RIGHT                                                   WRONG

                                                Pic. 14                                                   Pic. 15

The tiger-player must announce and remove 4 hunters. He draws tiger 3 first (picture 14)! In case of the mistaken draw of tiger 4 (picture 15), the hunter-player should announce the correct amount (4 hunters), and remove tiger 3 (rule 5)! Already drawn moves by the tiger-player remain unchanged!

                     TIGER DRAW                                  HUNTERS DRAW

Pic. 16                                                   Pic. 17

The tiger-player draws with tiger 4 as shown in (picture 16). On his turn the hunter-player places hunter number 15 into the vacant middle square field as shown in (picture 17),


                REMOVAL DRAWS                     REMAINING FIGURES

                                                Abb. 18                                                   Abb. 19

To remove the complete amount of 12 hunters during his turn, the tiger-player must start with tiger 4 and continue with tiger 2, or he can start with tiger 2 and continue with tiger 4! (picture 18). In case the tiger-player draws tiger 1 (after Tiger 4) before Tiger 2, it would be a priority mistake (MANDUA between Hunter 14 and 15)! If the tiger-player announces and removes less than 12 hunters during that turn, the hunter-player should remove tiger 1 who beats the most hunters (4 )(see rule 5).

Examples For Possible Game Endings:

              HUNTER WINS                                              REMIS

Pic. 20                                                       Pic. 21

All tigers are immovable (picture 20). There is no possibility of gaining any advantage to win, both players keep drawing all over the game board without making a mistake (picture 21).


After the hunter-player has lost about 2/3 of his figures, he has various strategies to win by a MANDUA PUTT (picture 22-23) or by a " THE MAHARAJA" (picture 24-32).

              ORDINARY PUTT                               EXTREME PUTT

                                                Pic. 22                                                       Pic. 23

                                                Pic. 24                                                    Pic. 25


                                                 Pic. 26                                                      Pic. 27

  Pic. 28                                                      Pic. 29

  Pic. 30                                                      Pic. 31



Pic. 32

A PUTT is excellent played, when one hunter figure remains on the game board after winning! It is it's royalty: "The Maharaja" himself (picture 32). A PUTT OR "THE MAHARAJA" MEANS, THE HUNTER-PLAYER ALWAYS WINS THE GAME CONCERNING HIS TASK! (HE WILL BE BACK .... .............................. like in the true history of traditional Asian tiger hunts!)

© 1998  Stephan Alexander Abu Can Peter and Christian Andreas Abu Sseyif  Fritz - All rights reserved